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the restaurant


Everyday, you will find among others fresh fish, red meat, as well as a special, changing daily, depending on the season. Here are a few:

Navarin d’agneau (stewed lamb), cuisses de canettes à l'orange (duck legs in an orange sance), petit salé aux lentilles (lentils with pork chine and smoked sausage), potée aux 2 choux (green and red cabbage hotpot, also with pork chine and smoked sausage), cassoulet (white beans with duck leg and sausage from Toulouse), gardiane de taureau (stewed bull, similar to a beef Bourguignon), etc.


Our dishes are cooked every morning by Ludovic, our Chef. They are exclusively made from fresh products, delivered daily by our partners, carefully chosen for their expertise.


- Céleri rémoulade (grated celery with mayonnaise and mustard)

- Saucisson de Lyon aux pistaches, pommes vapeur et oignon de Roscoff (Sausage with pistachios, steamed potatoes and sweet onion)

- Harengs pommes à l'huile (smoked herrings with steamed potatoes)

- Tarte aux 4 fromages (4 cheeses pie)

- Velouté de potiron (pumpkin soup)

- Salade de betterave, Bleu d'Auvergne et noix (endives, blue cheese and walnut)

- Salade de lentilles béluga (lentils salad)

- Terrine du moment ("pâté" of the day)

- Rillette d'oie (goose and pork rillette)

- Oeufs bio mayonnaise (organic boiled eggs and mayonnaise)



- Plat du jour (special)

- Bavette d'aloyau (Angus) (sirloin steak)

- Andouillette grillée AAAAA (pork guts sausage)

- Dos de cabillaud sauce beurre blanc (cod and butter sauce)

- Noix de saint-jacques poêlées (scallops)


- Fondant aux 2 chocolats et boule de glace vanille (dark and white chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream)

- Tarte tatin (apple and caramel pie)

- Assiette de fromages (cheese plate)

- Crème caramel (caramel cream)

- Riz au lait (rice pudding)

- Far breton (prune flan)

- Café, déca, infusion ou thé gourmand (gourmet coffee, decaf, tea or herbal tea)

our partners

They have been chosen to provide us with fresh and quality products. As much as possible, we choose local and organic products, or coming from reasoned agriculture.


Grosdoit is a meat producer based in Rouen (Normandie). Traceability and quality are their main qualities.


Our neighbours from rue de Montreuil 9. Notre voisin du 9 rue de Montreuil. Day By Day is a bulk grocery store where superfluous packaging is prohibited! Eco-friendly, their mainly sell organic French products. In our restaurant, you will be able to try out their olives, lentils, flour, spices, walnuts, etc.


Half-salt butter from Isigny, Reblochon, Camembert: Founded in 1958, Jacob is a retailer for professionals, located under the famous halls on the Place du Marché, Versailles.

poissonnerie thevenot

Fresh fish and seafood delevired daily from this talented fish shop, located in Voisins-le-Bretonneux.


Founded in 1884, Masse is a famous foie gras producer.

maison ilgo-kirn

Charcuterie producer founded in 1904 in Strasbourg, Ilgo-Kirn provides us with their quality products. In our restaurant, you will be able to try their terrines, saucisson de Lyon, sausages from Morteau, Montbéliard, Toulouse and Frankfurt, etc.


les dealers de légumes

Small retailer deliveringe daily fresh produce directly from Rungis (The biggest fruits et vegetables market in France)

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